v i n e y a r d

O u r V i n e y a r d s
We have 25 hectares of land, almost entirely under vineyards, located around the company in a single body. They enjoy total exposure to the south, south-west; this guarantees a greater quantity of sunlight, which is essential for the photosynthesis of plants. In fact, our vineyards have an ideal orientation and microclimate for excellent ripening of the grapes.

Our lands, being located in the Langhe area, are mainly made up of clay, calcareous marl and partly sandy substrates. These characteristics of the soil allow us to obtain wines that are not only structured and full-bodied, but also very elegant, rich in intense and complex aromas.
Specific characteristics of the site
D i v e r s i t y o f s o i l s a n d g r a p e s

"All our wines are produced from grapes coming exclusively from our vineyards"

E c o s y s t e m

We cultivate our vineyards following an integrated pest control protocol which involves a reduced use of plant protection products and fertilizers. Since the 2023 harvest we have been SQNPI certified (National Integrated Production Quality System) which attests to our choice to practice sustainable viticulture. It is a cultivation system that reduces the release of chemical substances into the environment to ensure greater sustainability of agriculture.